2004 Players' run

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올해 6월 5일 부터 6월 12까지 열린 Players' run이란 타이틀을 가진 rally이며 아래의 History,route,등은 공식싸이트에서 내용을 인용했으며, 아래의 올려진 사진은 참가자 중에 한명인 Brian의 동의를 얻어 글과 사진을 개재 하게 되었습니다.
It all started in 2003 when PlayerRun invited 50 teams to take part in the first Playersrun. Within 6 days they had to make it from Beverly Hills to Miami Beach, compete on race tracks and in Indy cars, fly in Helicopters, drive in High Speed Police escorts and navigate Powerboats. The 6 nights were spent relaxing in the most luxurious resorts and spas or partying in style. At the end everyone made it for the last task : Party on the Playersrun Mega Yacht in Miami. Part one of the Playersrun story was written and since then being witnessed by millions on TV, PayPerView, DVD and Magazines.
In June of 2004, 75 teams now have the unique opportunity to participate in part 2 of the Playersrun. All these teams know so far is that they have to be somewhere in Manhattan at a certain time on June 5th and arrive in Los Angeles on June 12th. (정확하게 정해진 시간없이 "어느때")Little do they know what lies in front of them: Long Highway stretches, massive Rocky Mountain Rollercoaster Passes, Police Escorts, Race tracks and that just the beginning. We can wait to reveal this year route and special events!
2004 playersrun:
The 2004 Playersrun takes place from June 5th to June 12th of 2004. Registration is in the evening of June 4th. Cars need to be checked in before 6pm on of June 4th. Click here to read the Playersrun Participation and Registration agreement.
The route:
This years Playersrun starts at in New York, NY and ends up in Los Angeles, CA. Overnight stops include Cleveland OH, Chicago IL, Kansas City M0, Denver CO, Aspen CO, and Las Vegas, NV. Every day will include at least one special event. Special event details will be revealed to participants as the rally progresses.
글쓴이의 첫 글부터:
After checking into the Brown Palace in Denver, we drove our cars (in the rain) over to the Lotus bar. Pulling into the parking lot, we felt like movie stars arriving at the Academy Awards... winding through a huge crowd of people with cameras flashing like mad and video rolling... cheers even.
Of course, that feeling ended when we got out of the car to walk to the bar. Nobody paid a bit of attention to us, just gathered around the car, looking in the windows, etc. Oh well... it was fun.
Leaving the Brown Palace in downtown Denver, we got a police escort to the major highway... at which point we could pick up the pace. Seriously, getting out of downtown as a group would have been a major pain without Denver's finest (경찰) stopping traffic and letting us flow through... very nice way to travel. The line-up in the street was definitely a photo-op:
Some bizarro directions led to a number of us getting quite separated from others of us. But we all made it to Estes Park and then the beautiful drive through Rocky Mountain National Park. A bunch of us pulled off here allowing a bigger group to form... and allowed a few pics to be taken...
We ran a little further into the park and stopped again for more photo ops and conversation... and then we were off again... some stopped for pizza... but some of us didn't stop again until Aspen...
The parking lot at Hotel Jerome in Aspen was a bit like a car museum... well, except that the cars were filthy, and had just been run hard for 2000 miles or so in the last few days!! I made a few passes down there.
I finally caught a peak at Roland's F40 out front of the hotel... and then later finally got to meet Roland face-to-face down in the garage.
I think the favorite activity down in the garage was to ponder which was each of our favorites... which is yours?
The drive through Utah wasn't near as interesting as the drive through Colorado, but it did have its high points... and is certainly more interesting than north or west Texas. The canyon drive on 15 through Arizona was fabulous. But after the long drive, I think everyone was thrilled to see the hotel... or should I say "THEhotel at Mandalay Bay"... which, by the way, is a damn nice hotel... note the plasma TV on the wall in the separate living room... and the third TV on the wall in the bathroom. If only they had SPEEDTV so that I could catch the F1 replays... arrgh!
다른 참가자가 올린 사진들 :
비디오 ( 알집을 풀어서 하나포스에 다시 올려서, 여기서 바로 볼 수 있도록 하려 하였으나, 하나포스에서 업로드 된 이 playersrun비디오 주소가 클릭해도 안뜨네요. 그래서 부득이하게 직접 다운받으셔서 알집 풀어서 보세요.)
note : 혹시 다른 업로드 싸이트 아시는 분 있으면 리플 부탁 합니다.
Brian :
Anyway, while nursing a dead computer server back to life and then doing an corporate-wide upgrade (since the server had everything shut down anyway), I ended up with some "babysitting" time to run through my in-car video and pull out some pics...
Lots of follow the leader up through Estes Park to the national park... at first I was appropriately following a 360 Modena and a 360 Spider... later we got some Porsches and Lambos and a BMW mixed in to our line...
Not the most spirited driving... but the mountain scenery was worth slowing a bit for.
We got delayed a bit as we pulled up to Rocky Mountain National Park... I think the old forest rangers in the booths were a bit terrified by the approaching mass of stickered sports cars invading their park... they were making lots of calls to their bosses... gave us stern warnings about appropriate speeds in the park...
But in fact, the roads aren't designed for passing and there was lots of sight-seeing traffic... so we took it leisurely through, for the most part...
Note the group that stopped for a snowball fight mid-June...
The trip over Berthoud Pass was much more spirited... they've improved the road a lot since the last time we did it... the passing lane when going uphill was great... and last time we did it I wasn't in a Ferrari... however, without any exotics close in front of me, it made for better video than stills... here's a couple, though:
Utah... land of the big sweeper... huge turns just inviting you to crank it up to obscene speeds... (of course, I'd never do such a thing ). Found an "uninhibited" group of Porsches and a Lambo to play with for a while. Also followed/led a similarly-colored Shelby a while.
This canyon on I15 in Arizona was a lot of fun... it gradually opened up to a fairly open flat straight road... so we had to make our own fun. One Fchatter in a yellow Porsche was creative in his definition of "lane"...



댓글 3

이종석님의 댓글

  • 이종석
  • 작성일
헉 사진이 안 보이네.... 접속인원 많아서 그런거 같네여.

신동우님의 댓글

  • 신동우
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저가 속해 있는 캐나다 beyond.ca 포럼 맴버중 한명이 여기에 참가해서<BR>사진을 많이 찍어올렸더라구요...정말 잼있어 보였는데..차가 좋은게 없어서리...^^

이종석님의 댓글

  • 이종석
  • 작성일
차가 좋은게 없었다구요? 음......혹시 님이 가장 좋아하는 차가?


▶ 하이튜닝 ◀ 테슬라 사이버트럭 오프로드 튜닝 버전

▶ 하이튜닝 ◀ 맥스크루즈 후속? 싼타페 롱버전

▶ 하이튜닝 ◀ 올 뉴 싼타페 갤로퍼 에디션

▶ 하이튜닝 ◀ 기아 K5 페이스리프트 사진


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